Yachts – Trophy Assets – Maritime

Home - Practices - Yachts – Trophy Assets – Maritime

Whether it’s a 70-metre motor yacht, a painting by a 17th century Flemish master, a 1950s Italian racing car, a Golconda diamond or a unique 19th century stamp, there is always something very special about acquiring one of those exceptional pieces that can make your asset portfolio truly priceless.


Unlike real estate and funds held in bank accounts, which are easier to trace, ownership of such exceptional assets raises some very specific questions, which need to be considered well before purchase.


The circulation of movable, high-value assets is a pressing issue, not least when the person acquiring them is themselves, as if often the case, a citizen of the world who divides their time between multiple jurisdictions.


Our specialists have recognised expertise when it comes to assisting and advising yacht owners and collectors.


We are able to call on a versatile and multidisciplinary team with in-depth knowledge of specific areas of law – including maritime law and shipbuilding, aviation law, customs law and financing – to offer our clients a complete A to Z service that leaves absolutely nothing to chance.


What sets us apart is our comprehensive approach. Naturally, we take care with every last legal detail, but we also look at the bigger picture, planning ahead and anticipating the global implications that decisions can potentially have for our clients and their particular circumstances.


For example:


  • How will registering a vessel under a foreign flag affect the personal tax situation of the beneficial owner of the company that owns it?
  • Why is it also important to consider employment law when planning to set up a holding structure?
  • What does keeping artworks in a free trade zone mean for a future succession?


These issues are clearly international in nature, and so our firm is able to call on an extensive network of overseas contacts, allowing us to deal holistically with all aspects of a project.

Partner in charge of this practice

Edouard Mousny
